Some days I’m not sure what to write for Mondays with Mom. I think and think all weekend, trying to find the right things to say. Then, suddenly something will strike from out of the blue and it’s just what I feel like I needed to say.
Even when the dark comes crashing through
When you need a friend to carry you
And when you’re broken on the ground
You will be found.
These words are from a contemporary musical called “Dear Evan Hansen,” yet they feel like words spoken from many pulpits yesterday. All around the world, the Easter story was read. In the Gospel of John, Mary Magdalene was there on the third day after the crucifixion. She had been through the horrible events of Friday and she knew that he had been hastily put in the tomb before the Sabbath began.
I can’t begin to imagine her sorrow. The dark was surely crashing through. Although she’d probably overheard conversations where Jesus claimed He would be raised from the dead in three days, I’m sure she wasn’t remembering them that morning. Her sorrow joined with frustration and anger when the tomb was empty. So she ran to where the disciples were hiding to tell them the body was missing; then John and Peter ran toward the tomb. They heard the angels’ report – and took off again, leaving a weeping Mary there, broken on the ground.
Then Jesus finds her. Through her tears, she doesn’t recognize him – she thinks he must be the gardener – until He speaks her name! This Mary, from whom He had cast seven demons, served Him and cared for Him and the disciples. This Mary was given the first words of evangelism: “Go and tell…”
In the Tony award – winning musical, the main character, Evan, is a social misfit. Although the story of the musical is told from a secular viewpoint, it too is a story of friendship and grace.
We can never have enough friendship and grace. I don’t know anyone whose life is so full that friendship and grace isn’t needed and welcomed.
I believe caregivers often feel that the “dark comes crashing through” and we need “a friend to carry” us. The next line in the song goes: “You are not alone.” I hope this song can be an encouragement to you today. Here’s a link.
That’s the great news of Easter. We are not alone.