When Mom was my age, she was a Homemaker. That capital letter was intended; she was a member of the Georgia Homemakers Council. In 1989, she served as Family Life County Chairman. In her beautiful handwriting, she wrote a Family Life Report of the Habersham Country Homemakers Council North District. Also included in this booklet are the notes from the College Park Homemakers Club North District, Cornelia Homemakers written by Tina Crawford, Providence Homemakers submitted by Betty Tatum (in Mom’s handwriting), and Turnerville’s Club written by Pat Lyle.
Dad has been going through her boxes of saved papers and came across this jewel. Here is a little time capsule I thought would be fun to share with you:
“The Habersham County Homemaker Counsel met in the Cornelia Library on Sep. 5, 1989. Mrs. Yvonne Lovell, County Council President, presided over the business meeting. There were 40 members and seven guests present. Mrs. Ruth Bunn, Family Life Chairman, introduced Mrs. Carol Johansen, who works with the Circle of Hope program for battered women in Habersham County. The purpose of the program was to inform homemakers of the need for a permanent home to house battered women and their children on a temporary basis.”
Mrs. Johansen’s discussion of the statistics and characteristics are detailed by Mom for the next two handwritten pages. Mom concludes: “A home has been established in this area and is staffed and care for by volunteers and contributions by individuals and United Way.”
The College Park group had Helen Barrett, County Extension Agent, who presented a program “on the history of housing in Georgia and Habersham County. The program had been developed with assistance of state specialists. With slides and scrip she traced the development of housing from the virgin forests to the type of housing Indians in this area used….” Lillian Hencely and Christine Anderson respectfully submitted this report.
Cornelia had a birthday celebration for their oldest member. “Janet Davidson was ninety-seven (97) years young and everyone enjoyed the annual occasion…The Rev. Jack Summers of the Cornelia United Methodist Church was the delightful speaker. He said it was a genuine pleasure to be asked to speak to our club.” Tina Crawford concluded her report: “It was a wonderful celebration.”
I wondered about this next report. It’s submitted by Betty Tatum but in Mom’s handwriting. I wonder if her handwriting was illegible or if she gave an oral report to Mom. Either way, Mom filled a whole page with her beautiful script: “The Providence Homemaker Club met in the home of Mrs. Carol Bradach. There were eleven members present. Rev. John Geerdes of the Clarkesville Baptist Church presented a program on Family Life.”
Finally, Turnerville Homemakers’ Club wrote a poem of sorts called, “What Is A Family?” These four pages of handwritten script conclude with Pat Lyles’ determination of “Part II to be continued ….” Mom finished the thought: “…and presented at later date.”
Mom put all of these reports together in a red 3-ring report folder. She wrote a cover page, title page, and Table of Contents. Page three was the only type-written part: “Georgia Homemakers Council Report Form 1989 Family Life.”
Mom was proud of her association with the Homemakers. Each of these women made meaningful contributions to their families, towns, and communities. Most of these women are long gone, but it was fun to read of their adventures during 1989 and their connections to each other in one of Mom’s official reports!