One of Mom’s favorite hymns is “Great is Thy Faithfulness.” She would often sing it while doing her chores around the house. When they would visit me and go to church on a Sunday night, we would often sing it as a duet. Even now, she will still occasionally sing along with me as I sing the hymn. Sometimes she’ll remember the words, other times the melody, but it always soothes her.
In the shocking aftermath of September 11, 2001, it was “Great is Thy Faithfulness” that comforted me. It became the first hymn I arranged and it has been my go-to piano piece in times of trouble or sorrow. Although I love to sing it, sometimes the words get stuck in my throat and I can’t sing through the tears.
Today with Mom is hard. It’s actually been a rough couple of weeks. She’s been eating less and not willing to stand without pitching forward or backward. Last Friday, she slipped and tore a 4-inch gash on her arm. It’s actually a square of skin that basically lifted off her arm. Although the skin was placed carefully back down, cleaned, and bandaged, the wound is still very fresh today. Changing the bandages was a tough ordeal with bleeding and lots of tears. Added to that was a difficult manicure and more tears.
Have you ever heard of the “struggle bus?” I’m definitely on it today. I’m feeling tired and sad and everything I’m trying to accomplish is taking longer than usual. Even writing this article has taken hours because of interruptions. Some days are simply overwhelming.
It’s hard to remember God’s faithfulness on these days. I have to mentally list the blessings and then the faithfulness comes shining through. We have so many obvious instances of God’s faithfulness:
- Mom still being here, in spite osteoporosis, broken bones, dementia, and 91+ years.
- Dad’s here and strong and healthy. He turns 90 in a few weeks!
- We have amazing caregivers and the financial means to hire them.
- On Mondays especially, I’m so grateful for a delicious lunch for Mom, Dad, and me! (Thank you, Lynn!)
There’s so much more. I couldn’t begin to complete a list of all God has done for us. I have to exchange my “stinkin’ thinkin’” and focus on those blessings. Sometimes it takes a willful change of heart and mind.
So to help me remember, I’m going to listen to Chris Rice sing it and focus on these words:
Great Is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father!
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Though changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not
As Thou hast been Thou forever wilt be.
Great Is Thy faithfulness,
Great Is Thy faithfulness,
Morning by morning new mercies I see;
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided
Great is Thy Faithfulness, Lord, unto me!