Last week, Mom’s “boyfriend” Matthew asked her about plans for Thanksgiving and what she is grateful for this season.
Matthew is our nurse through hospice and Mom thinks he is so wonderful. She may not always remember her female caregivers when they are out of sight, but she does remember him! I think she really likes his dark hair. Of course, he’s so sweet to her; she just preens when he is in the room!
She mulled it over for a few moments and then began. I was on my computer so I decided to get her words verbatim. Although the flow is a bit rambling, Mother’s heart still shines through.
I am so thankful for my little children. For them it’s an exciting time in their lives. I remember when I was a little child being so thankful for our community here. It’s important. For me it is really special. My daddy has been gone a long time now, but I have such wonderful memories of him. He gave us such a wonderful structure. It means a lot to me.
(Looking at her frames of family photos) It is really special that I can look out and see people I have known through the years. God has been so good to us for so many years.
You know in high school I had friends that I had never met before. To me it was wonderful that those people I met in high school were going to be my friends. It was important for me that my children would have those friends.
And then she sang one of her favorite hymns “Great is Thy Faithfulness.”
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father. Doo, doo, doo…
Thou changest not, Thy compassions they fail not, la, la, la
Great is Thy faithfulness! Great is Thy faithfulness! Morning by morning … I see
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy Faithfulness, oh Lord to me.
She may not know all the words any more, but she certainly knows their intent. She knows the melody and still sings it even without the words. The song is etched on her heart. She often hums the tune without adding the words. Since it is one of my favorites too, we’ll sometimes sing it together. Jean, Clara, and Laverne, her caregivers, sing it with her as well.
It’s really a great song of thanksgiving. “All I have needed Thy hand hath provided.” In my life, the words should be “More than I’ve needed…” I have so much more than I need – pressed down and flowing over. It’s hard to put that feeling of gratefulness into words. Like Mom, I am so thankful for family and friends above all things. I appreciate the many “things” God has given me – a home, running cars, ample clothing – but they are not nearly as important as the “who” God has put in my life.
This week, as we all gather around our tables for a time of thanksgiving, let’s put the emphasis on people. The food is great, but the friends are better. The warm, welcoming homes are a blessing, but the blessing of family is far superior.
Great is His faithfulness. May you have a happy day of giving thanks.