In January, I wrote an article about Mom’s prayers. I’m so glad I did because those prayer times with her are fewer and farther between now. Occasionally I will still hear her pray, but her words are hard to understand. She’s closer to heaven every day which is a blessing, but it’s hard to watch her slip away from earth. Today she spoke about the beautiful things she sees – although she is also giving instruction on how to make it more beautiful! (Typical Mom – always tweeking!)
Now I’m writing about more prayers, not Mom’s prayers, but the prayers that are said on Mom’s behalf. Many people tell me how they pray for me and Dad and our family. Those same folks are part of the team that keeps us going through these long days. I am grateful.
Years ago, as a leader in WMU, the Baptist women’s group, Mom would often pray over the missionaries around the world. As a mother and grandmother, she prayed over the next generations. As a friend, she prayed for the people she loved. Now she is benefiting from the prayers of others.
“I’m praying for you.” There is such comfort in those words. When our hearts are too heavy to pray for ourselves, to know others are standing in the gap is like water poured onto parched earth. The most wonderful balm is to know that the Holy Spirit is praying for us. This verse is still comforting me.
Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. Romans 8:26 (The Message)
Recently, we have had moments of difficulty with Mom foreshadowing what lies ahead. Each time it happens, I wonder if we have crossed into a new level of the disease. Fortunately for now, we are just having moments. All too soon we will be at that next spot. Sometimes I wish I didn’t know so intimately how dementia advances. Although individuals progresses at their own pace, the next difficult stage is inevitable as long as Mom lives.
Those who have gone through this before me are full of encouragement and blessing. One precious friend reads the articles each week and comments every time! She cared for her mom and knows all too well this path. Others comment occasionally and pour their love onto my Facebook page.
I don’t know how I could stand this journey without the love and encouragement and, yes, prayers of those surrounding me. Writing to you, the many readers of these articles, helps me. Many of you are dealing with heavy burdens, too. Let me remind you to share your burdens. Let those who are near you know your needs so they can love and encourage and pray for you, too.