A note from Donna: My sister, Carla, serves as my editor week after week. I asked her to write a “guest column” this weekend while she was here.
As I drive north from the airport in Atlanta after flying in from San Antonio, I marvel at the beauty of trees beginning to bloom and daffodils opening to the sun. Spring is coming! I think to myself. After the long, dark, and sometimes dreary days of winter, the warm sun lifts my spirits as I enjoy seeing the new colors of a Georgia spring day.
God is so generous with His paintbrush. The bright yellows of daffodils, the pinks and purples and whites of flowering trees, and the greens of opening leaves bring the promise of new life all around us. God is also generous with us. He plants seeds within us that will open and bring the possibilities of new life and service for us. He is never finished with us.
I see this truth when I get to Mom and Dad’s house this weekend: in a miraculous way, Mom has rallied in a way that she is more alert, talkative, and sometimes funny – much more her old self. I can’t believe the difference between the visit at Christmas when her situation seemed so dark and I missed her personality so much. I especially enjoy seeing her react to Dad. He made the comment that he sure is glad she married him, and she responds, “Well, I didn’t have anything else to do that day!” Good thing she had nothing to do as I wouldn’t be here today otherwise!
Mom will be 90 in a few short weeks. As I look into her beautiful blue eyes and hear her light chuckle, I see the love I have always seen when she looks at me and I thank the Lord for the blessing of a godly mother in my life and the years He has allowed us with her. As we read scripture together or sing hymns with a CD, she has a smile on her face as she says words long known. As we pray together, I know she has prayed for her family and friends even when she can’t articulate the words. Her body may not be responsive, but the seeds long ago planted have blossomed and now open her joyous love of music and God’s word.
Dad went to Sunday school this morning, and I don’t hear him as he opens the outside door, but Mama does. Her eyes light up and she says, “There’s Dwight!” What a joyous moment of seeing the one she loves. May that be our response our first moment in heaven when we see Jesus!
Coming home every other month is hard as I see the ups and downs of her disease, but what a glorious blessing to have come at this time of the year and at this time of her awareness. The brightness of her eyes reminds me of a verse from the CD we are listening to right now: “Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart; nought be all else to me, save that Thou art – Thou my best thought, by day or by night, Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.”