Hiding in plain sight

Chipping Sparrows are often seen in parking lots and other public places. (Photo by Craig Taylor)

Standing in a parking lot recently, I heard birds chirping in all directions. I finally narrowed down one small Crepe Myrtle from which the bird sound was loud. I approached the Crepe Myrtle and circled it closely. I never touched the tree, but I would pause to search among the leaves. Finally, after several minutes of searching carefully, I found the bird.

I kept watching among the leaves, probably getting a little too close, and the bird flew off. I must have gotten too close.

What’s interesting to me is that the bird was a Chipping Sparrow. Many Chipping Sparrows spend their lives in the trees and foliage of shopping center parking lots. They also frequent light poles and under building eaves. They are easily seen on the ground, searching for food. These birds have chosen some of the most public areas in which to dwell. They’re used to cars driving by and people passing by on foot. Many times, they’ll barely acknowledge the presence of any one else.

Chipping Sparrows are drawn to areas of low vegetation, grass, and asphalt. (Photo by Craig Taylor)

But I got too close and the bird flew away.

I taught on Jesus and the Samaritan woman in John 4:4-26 this morning. When Jesus confronted the woman at the core of who she was, she tried to deflect His attention away from herself.

Jesus wouldn’t be deflected. He said to the woman, “Just come to Me.” What a great reminder for those who are hiding in plain sight.