Confessions of a Rookie Birder

Devotions on what birding reveals about the Christian life.

Birds of the air and fish of the sea

Psalm 8 may be one of the most beautifully written acknowledgements of God's creation and our place in it. In the psalm, the psalmist...

Majestic birds in flight

I'm always fascinated by watching large birds soar in the air. Is there anything so majestic? It makes me think of the story of...

Confessions of a Rookie Birder: Overcoming Lethargy

We've spent much of the past week camping at West Point Lake outside of LaGrange, Georgia. The birding there, even in the off-season in...

A missed opportunity

We're back in Memphis this week, celebrating our grandson Caleb's third birthday. The last time we were here, we left to go pick up groceries...

New family connections

I'm entering my fifth month of birding. For me, that's quite an accomplishment. My attention tends to jump from one thing to another. For example,...

God is beauty

This past week as I studied to teach Bible study, I read the statement that God has revealed Himself and His attributes to us...

Song of the Whip-poor-will

We've enjoyed the night song of the Eastern Whip-poor-will for several weeks now. To be honest, there's probably more than one. When the temperature...

Confessions of a Rookie Birder: I wish . . .

Last week, I celebrated the everyday birds––the ones that show up every day at feeders and birdbaths and do what they do. As wonderful as those...

Everyday birds

I've probably lamented about this already, but summer is not the easiest time to watch birds. If they're around, they are hiding in trees...

Bears, raccoons and armadillos

This year, we've hung three bird feeders that can be seen from both decks. It's great for bird watching. As rookie birders, what we didn't expect...

Generation after generation

One of the textbooks for training ministers in seminary made the point that Christianity is never more than one generation away from extinction. If we...

Wonderful and unique

I’ve got a high type-A personality. I’m all about the tasks that need to be done and how I’m going to do it. Back...