Lynn Walker Gendusa

Inspirational stories of faith, home, family, life, and struggles.

Grandpa’s Tennessee Christmas

All holidays, especially Christmas, were joyous with Grandpa and Granddaddy. Grandpa wrapped presents with sticky bows and curling ribbons. They were never beautiful or...

From tiny to tremendous

On a cold January day in 1946, their fourth child, a girl, was born in a one-room cabin in the hills of Tennessee. More...

Surviving our worst Thanksgiving Day

Have you ever noticed that most of us remember our worst Thanksgiving? When the turkey burned or we were so ill on Turkey Day,...

Thankful for the Author

This time of year, people often ask one another, “What are you most thankful for?” Depending on their current circumstances, the response is likely...

Grandpa’s hope chest of treasures

It does not seem that long ago when most homes included a piece of furniture called a cedar or hope chest. Initially constructed in...

Thankful for the path forged

Visiting the town where I was born in Tennessee is always a treat, but the older I become, the more I savor each moment....

The magnificent armor of courage

Stuck in the middle of this busy month is a day of great significance. Millions of folks are heading to the polls to vote...

Grandpa’s quilt of love and laughter

It was one of those fall gray days when I felt slightly gray myself. I was a bit depressed for little reasons that I will...

The lesson of the wiggly worm

Grandpa sat on the pond's bank with a fishing pole in her hand, an apron around her waist, a bonnet on her head, and...

Still much work to do!

Today, our friends sent a picture of themselves relaxing on a boat in the Mediterranean.  Their feet propped on a railing, resting in the...

Her name was “Grandpa!”

How do you love a child? How do you become the memory that makes someone smile forever? Does your life exemplify your ethical beliefs...

Too late to say goodbye

How often have I written these words of advice in my writing career, “Don’t put off life?” Yet, I did. Sometimes we find that...