Precisely nine months and two days after Christmas, I came into the world with a birthmark on my arm of a three-inch Christmas tree.
“You have a Christmas tree on your arm!” the kids would shout as I jumped into a pool or played in a sleeveless shirt. I was proud of my unusual birthmark because no one on this earth loved Christmas more than I did.
My mother hoped my obsession with December 25 might wane when I grew older. As a child, I would become so anxious during the holidays I would suffer an asthma attack or break out in a crazy rash, making the holidays a bit difficult for Mama.
“Lynn, come in from the cold! You are going to make yourself sicker!” she would shout from the front door.
“But, Mama, it’s Christmas!” I would yell back as if the holiday would save me from myself.
Much to her dismay, I wheezed and itched my way through the cold, praying for snow. I would gaze into the December winter sky, searching for Rudolph’s red nose and heavenly angels turning gloom to glory.
I was despondent when the birthmark finally faded away after many years. I outgrew asthma, the rashes finally subsided, and Mama went to be with those heavenly angels that turned her life into glory.
The years flew by, bringing children, grandchildren, joy, sadness, successes, and failures. However, nothing changed my love and excitement for Christmas.
“Bah Humbug” folks often say Christmas is too commercial, busy, chaotic, and expensive. However, Christmas is what each person makes it be, and it is the holiday that brings out the best in folks.
My grandmother was not a wealthy woman, but she made the richest jam cakes every Christmas to give to her friends and family. Cameron, who lives down the street, makes little pumpkin bread loaves to give to all our neighbors. Our Bunko group has a holiday party every year, and instead of giving gifts, we donate money to several charities.
The Christmas season is when the churches are fuller, the lights are brighter, the air is more expectant, and folks are giving more. What is there not to love about Christmas?
I walked into a Hobby Lobby on a hot July day in Georgia, and they were putting Christmas ornaments on shelves. People were shocked at the site! July?!
Not me. The hair on my arms lifted as if a cold winter chill had seeped into my bones. You can’t celebrate the wonder of Christmas too early for this girl. Christmas is all about joy and merriment, and who doesn’t need that?
The world was somber before the first Christmas, and life was without mercy or understanding of the compassion of a loving Heavenly father. Nor did many folks believe in miracles.
Christmas brought us hope, salvation, and genuine pure love covered in swaddling clothes lying on a bed of straw. If I had been there, I would have decorated a tree, wrapped some presents in burlap, and told Baby Jesus Santa was coming!
I have passed my childish exuberance to my children and grandchildren. The holiday for our family is steeped in tradition, soaked in laughter, and topped with joy.
December 25 is always over the top and over the hills because my kids still come back to Grandma’s house to experience it.
I cook until I am bone tired. I wrap until my fingers become taped together and decorate until the glitter is a permanent feature in my hair.
Celebrating the Christ child should not be about how much trouble Christmas is, but instead, going to the trouble to show someone the joy of loving.
On a Christmas evening a few years ago, my granddaughter and I were outside watching an unusual sight in Georgia. Giant snowflakes fell softly from the night, appearing as tiny white lace doilies floating down from heaven.
The porch door opened, and my granddaughter’s mother shouted, “Avery, come in before you catch a cold!”
“But, Mama, it’s Christmas!” she yelled, knowing that Christmas would save her from herself.
Christmas is within your heart. Let it shine this holiday and always.
Lynn Walker Gendusa is an author and columnist whose work appears regularly on Now Habersham and across the U.S. through the USA Today Network. Her work has been featured in Guidepost, senior magazines, and on MSN.com. Lynn’s latest book is “Southern Comfort: Stories of Family, Friendship, Fiery Trials, and Faith.” She can be reached at www.lynngendusa.com.