Cacophony of sound

This Gray Catbird was caught in the act of singing, as were all the other birds included with this devotion. (Photo by Craig Taylor)

As a seminar professor, I was able to go with students on education trips. One of those was to Oxford, England. My favorite memory of Oxford was attending the Evening Song on Sunday night. We arrived early and actually sat in the choir chancel, just to the left of the singers. The music was glorious. It filled the sanctuary with sound that rose to the glory of God. We worshipped in the music, being led into the very presence of the Lord.

We’re in the mountains near Blairsville as I write this, camping in a valley surrounded by mountain peaks. I woke early this morning and laid in bed waiting to get up––until I heard the first bird break the morning silence. I got up, turned on the coffee, and went outside to listen as one voice joined the first. And then another and another and another joined in. The sounds were each distinct, most of them birdsong I had not heard before. As each voice was added, the volume grew and became a cacophony of sounds. As I listened, I felt the sounds were rising up to God.

A variety of birds in song are seen below: The Carolina Chickadee, the Wood Thrush, the Pine Warbler, and the Song Sparrow (photos by Craig Taylor).

The Carolina Chickadee
The Wood Thrush
The Pine Warbler
The Song Sparrow

I worshipped in their song, this disjointed cacophony of voices that melded perfectly together and filled the air. Their morning song called me into the very presence of the Lord. I am ever so grateful for the morning blessing.