Where in the world is Madeline McClurg Part IV

McClurg sand the National Anthem for the 4th of July on the Celebrity Edge Cruise Line. (photo submitted)

Her experiences continue as she travels the open seas, showing us the world she lives and works in every day. Madeline McClurg, daughter of Matt and Kimberly McClurg of Clarkesville, holds the title of Activity Host on the Celebrity Edge Cruise Line. The job fits her perfectly and her life onboard the cruise ship is filled with adventure. If you have not been keeping up with her story, this is Part IV of a series of articles following Madeline around the world. You can read Part I, Part II, and Part III here.

New destinations

“I have been traveling on the beautiful Alaskan itinerary. We are in Seattle on embark and debark day. We travel to Ketchikan, Juneau and Skagway with final destination in Victoria, Canada,” Madeline started.

The best part for Madeline about being in the same places every week is that she can come back and enjoy her favorite spots more than once instead of having only one chance at making the memory.

“My favorite place is definitely Skagway. It feels very ‘Alaskan’. The scenery is gorgeous, and it’s a bit of a rustic small town feel.”

Just last week, she and some friends from the ship went on a scenic hike and stop at Klondike Doughboy for a sweet treat fix.

Time is extremely strange to Madeline. Days pile up on top of one another and it is difficult to know what day it is. “Time doesn’t exist. We are so busy. I never realized how easily it is to lose track while onboard the ship.”

Madeline’s parents Matt and Kim McClurg spent a week onboard The Celebrity Edge Cruise Ship. (photo submitted)

A piece of home

“Having my parents was truly the best cruise week ever,” Madeline said. “My parents got the inside scoop of where I’ve been for the past six months.”

The McClurg’s participated in many of Madeline’s hosted activities such as the trivia contests, dance classes, parties, and the legendary ABBA sing along.

“It was so comforting having them onboard because it felt like a piece of home. They had the absolute best time and it was so neat getting to give them tours and show them around my home away from home.”

Matt McClurg talked about the experience and what it meant to him and Kim to be a part of Madeline’s experience, “We have never seen her so happy. To watch her in action and to get to know her co-workers meant a great deal to us. She has found a family in her work environment and nothing can be more comforting to a parent.”

He said they had never done so many activities on a cruise ship and loved them all. It had been 5 months since they had seen Madeline. Sharing the trip with their daughter and being able to support what she and the activities team do on the ship was a tremendous highlight for the McClurg’s.

“When my parents left, it was extremely hard,” Madeline said. “I really felt homesick.”

New experiences

“There are always new experiences,” Madeline said. She is one of five American crew members on board the Celebrity Edge Cruise Line. When it came to celebrating the 4th of July onboard the ship, she didn’t know what to expect. It turned out that the 4th would become a moment she will never forget.

“I was asked to sing our National Anthem. It was such an honor for me, being able to represent the USA as a crew member.”

Madeline said that singing the National Anthem on a cruise ship with everyone softly singing around her touched her.

In Ketchikan, Alaska, the Celebrity Summit was docked and Madeline had the opportunity to board the ship. The manager and cruise director gave her a tour of it. Her friend Taryn who had just left the Celebrity Edge was the Activity Host on the Summit.

Along the way, many people have influenced Madeline. One person in particular was a fellow activity host who helped her to adapt to what ship life is like. “He was honestly like a father figure onboard, and he helped me realize that nothing is ever that serious. Just enjoy life,” she explained. “He was a joy and one of my very first inspirations onboard.”

Alaska has been a wonderful experience for the world traveler. (photo submitted)


From the first days of being on the ship to nearing the completion of her first contract, Madeline has grown in many ways.

“My confidence and ability to speak to people, whether that be on a microphone or simply in conversation, I’ve evolved in many ways,” Madeline said. “This job has helped bring out the better, more confident version of myself. I have learned invaluable skills about how to deal with situations and how to stay calm.”

She talked about the relationships formed with so many beautiful people over the past six months. “I’ve learned about other people’s cultures and lifestyles. There is no other job where most every person you meet is from a different country.”

Living so closely on the ship, Madeline believes she has never felt emotions more deeply. Onboard, friendships are made and relationships developed that feel like a lifetime. When someone leaves to start another contract on a different ship, it makes it very painful. There are moments of intense excitement, heartbreak, joy, and loneliness.

“Through it all, you find your people to cling to, and you find contentment in the coolest job ever. That is the beauty of it.”

Future plans

Madeline wants to continue her adventures. She doesn’t know yet what ship or where she will be heading to next, but she plans on another contract. “What I do is not for everyone. The lifestyle isn’t easy. Working on a Cruise Line is very hard work, but it is the best decision I have ever made.”

Madeline said she doesn’t remember when she has been as happy as she has been the past six months. She would advise anyone who is interested in working on for a Cruise Line to try it out. Some will like and some will not, but it is so worth a try.

“I hope to have many more experience in this job. I would especially love to see Europe,” Madeline added.

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