The temperature is dropping and it’s going to drop a lot lower and faster over the next several days. Georgians are bracing for the coldest temperatures in years Christmas weekend as an arctic blast sweeps across the nation.
Temperatures in Georgia are expected to rapidly begin dropping into the teens and single digits behind the arctic front on Friday. Lows in the single digits are expected Saturday morning. In addition, northwest winds of 15 to 20 mph with frequent gusts of 30 to 40 mph will make it feel much colder than it is.
A Wind Chill Warning remains in effect from midnight Thursday until noon Saturday, Christmas Eve. Wind chills as low as 20 below zero are expected in northern Georgia.
State and local agencies prepare
Governor Kemp issued a State of Emergency for all 159 counties in Georgia that went into effect Wednesday. The declaration makes state resources available to local governments and agencies that may experience weather-related emergencies.
The Georgia Department of Transportation on Wednesday began brining interstates and state routes. As a precaution, GDOT has closed the Richard Russell Highway/SR 348 between Helen and Blairsville.
Area emergency management agencies (EMAs) are on standby.
White County Deputy EMA Director Don Strength said Wednesday the county will activiate its Emergency Operations Center at midnight Thursday and remain activated through noon Christmas Day if necessary. Habersham County has already partially activated its EOC.
“We are monitoring the weather,” says Habersham County Assistant EMA Director Melanie Bellinger. On Thursday, she says they’re expecting rain, possibly turning to snow. And with temperatures dropping below freezing, Bellinger warns that “remining wet roads will freeze, possibly causing black ice to form.”
State park warming stations
Habersham County, like many other rural Georgia counties, does not have designated warming stations, but warming stations are being set up at Georgia’s state parks.
Those who need a warm place to stay may go online to locate warming stations in their area. The state is waiving ParkPass fees for those using the stations. To find a full list of warming stations and their availability, visit https://gastateparks.org/Alerts.
Both Bellinger and Strength encourage residents to prepare for the cold by securing safe heating sources and taking steps necessary to protect their families, homes and pets. They recommend the following:
- Bring outdoor pets indoors and provide adequate shelter for livestock.
- Winterize your outside faucets and pipes before the cold temperatures arrive.
- Leave your inside faucets dripping hot and cold water during prolonged periods where temperatures do not rise above freezing.
- Avoid outside activities if possible. If you have to go outside dress warmly in coats, gloves, and hats.
Now Habersham will continue to monitor and update the weather as this system develops. Check nowhabersham.com frequently for updates.