Safety concerns at Ruby Fulbright Center require speed bump installation

New speed bumps line the road circling the Ruby C. Fulbright Aquatic Center in Clarkesville. County recreation officials say the speed bumps were necessary to slow traffic in the area. (Rob Moore/Habersham County)

Because of safety concerns at the Ruby Fulbright Aquatic Center, Habersham County crews have recently started the process of installing speed bumps around the county’s recreation complex off Paul Franklin Road near Clarkesville.

The installation of the speed bumps is in response to safety concerns as facilities usage continues to increase daily.

“The installation of speed breakers near the Habersham County Ruby Fulbright Aquatic Center and on our adjacent recreation campus are to make the area safer for all users, young and old,” Whitmire said. “People walk along that road and our young athletes and their sometimes smaller siblings often can be found moving to and from parking lots to ballfields and courts.”

In addition to hearing concerns from members of the public, some county employees have had close calls with speeding vehicles.

“We know people hate speed bumps,” Whitmire said. “This decision was not made lightly, but when walkers and other users are endangered, we have to take steps to curb the problem and maintain a safe environment for all to enjoy.”