There will be a new way to take care of high usage readings/leaks in the water system before your bill is unmanageable. The system is an upgrade of the current system called Neptune, and Monday night, the Baldwin City Council approved its usage. This is a meter reading update and something the Council has been discussing for two years.
The issue with current devices
Currently, there are hand-held devices to read your water meter. Two hand-held devices but one does not work. The data is drawn in and the meter readers return with the device where the information is transmitted into the utility bill software. The hardware and the software currently used with Neptune are being phased out. There is only one computer with the City of Baldwin Water Department that can access Neptune. That makes it difficult for a quick response if high usage indicates a possible water leak. Neptune is moving everything to the Cloud, which will give easier access to the necessary information.
What this means to the citizens of Baldwin is a quicker response to issues before their water bill runs too high if there is a leak. It is more efficient for those who work in the Water Department because there is access to the information instead of having to wait for one computer to assimilate all the data. The cost is around $23,000 needed to upgrade. The money is budgeted and is available to use. No additional money will be requested to have this upgrade.
Animal Control IGA tabled
The consideration/approval of the Animal Control IGA was tabled until the end of the month. Councilwoman Alice Venter said, “The contract is still not right. They are going off a Gross Digest which the number cannot be tied to the actual cost.” Venter said she will be contacting the Habersham Commissioners to make certain they are getting all the necessary information.
Discussion of the Park-Avenue Right-of-Way Abandonment continues. The property has been interesting because no one knew who owned it. There will be a Public Hearing before it can be voted on by the Council to abandon the property.
Upcoming events
The Council reminded the citizens of Baldwin of several events which are coming up.
The 25th Baldwin Clean-up Day is on Saturday, April 20th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Baldwin Farmer’s Market. It is to celebrate Earth Day and they hope to clean up Baldwin roads and plant a tree.
On the second and fourth Saturdays of May, June, and July, there will be a farmers’ market. It is free to those who want to sell fruits, vegetables, farm-fresh eggs, and other goods. It will be at the City Hall. Vendor applications are available. Contact John at City Hall for more information.