Letters & Commentary

Bookman: State needs to step up and fix voting system it bragged about

We should be proud of Georgia, or at least of its people. Their commitment to democracy, to being heard, to being counted, was impressive....

Aycock: We support Stacy for State Senate

Editor's Note: The following letter to the editor was submitted to Now Habersham for publication by Barrie Aycock. The views expressed in this commentary...

Foothills Counseling Center observes Mental Health Month

If you’re feeling stressed or nervous during these days of COVID-19, you are not alone. Uncertainty, physical distancing, the drumbeat of round-the-clock news, empty grocery...

Gasaway is a proven leader

Editor's Note: The following letter to the editor was submitted to Now Habersham for publication by Dale Latty. The views expressed in this commentary...

Editorial: Sharing from reliable sources and fact-checking from home might save your loved ones

In times of uncertainty it’s easy to be lead into scare tactics, into stories that fall in line with our beliefs, and the things...

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Here’s what I Ask of you…

Editor's Note: The following letter was submitted to Now Habersham for publication by Angel Jackson, Director of Community Engagement for Rape Response, Inc. Dear Editor, April...

An open letter to Gov. Kemp

Editor's Note: The following letter was submitted to Now Habersham for publication by Susan Focke of Hiawassee. The views expressed in this commentary are hers. Governor...

Savings Over Safety?

Editor's Note: The City of Demorest has postponed its meeting to discuss a proposed merger of the Demorest and Habersham County Fire Services. This letter regarding that...

Local medical professionals issue an open letter to the community in response to COVID-19

Editor's Note: A group of 25 local medical professionals including doctors, nurse practitioners, and a physican assistant wrote the following letter to the community...

Georgia’s 9th District Blushing Blue

Editor's Note: The following editorial was written by Melba Gandy, Democratic Party of Georgia Vice-Chair of Communications. It was submitted to Now Habersham for...

Wilkinson sponsors anti-pollution bill, honors FFA

Following a four-day legislative week, the Senate re-convened this week for five sequential days to vet and discuss proposed legislation for our state. These pieces...

Wilkinson: Our state is ‘economically sound’

Editor's Note: This legislative update was written and submitted by State Sen. John Wilkinson (R-Toccoa). The views expressed in this commentary are his. Following a...