Habersham Central Air Force JROTC cadets get flight orientation

Habersham Central JROTC cadets and instructors assemble at the Habersham County airport on December 7 for flight orientations with Black Hawk helicopters. (Dana D'Alessandro)

Habersham Central High School Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp (AFJROTC) cadets received a rare opportunity earlier this month. The Georgia Army National Guard flew two UH-60 “Black Hawk” helicopters to the Habersham County Airport in Baldwin to give flight orientations to the cadets.

A rare opportunity

AFJROTC Instructor SMSgt Dana D’Alessandro explained that these flights had been in the works for quite some time.

“The coordination was made possible through a former student of Rob’s (Wallace) who was able to put us in contact with a Colonel who runs activities for the State Army National Guard. Over the next 2 months, we were in contact with various members of the Georgia Army National Guard (GANG).” D’Alessandro said. ”This was the 1st time ever that this opportunity was provided to our cadets.”

Habersham Central JROTC students load a Black Hawk helicopter for flight orientation. (Dana D’Alessandro)

Requirements to participate

For a cadet to participate in the orientation flights, they had to be active in the JROTC program. They had to have passed all of their classes and received parental consent to fly in the helicopter. According to D’Alessandro, 43 students participated.

The students were bussed to the airport. The pilots landed their helicopters and refueled. Once all of the students were assembled, the pilots gave a briefing on how to load the helicopter and how to buckle into their seats.

Bird’s eye view

The helicopters made two trips carrying 11 students per trip per helicopter. The flights lasted about 20 minutes and gave the cadets a bird’s eye view of Habersham County.

The helicopters also did a flyover of the high school.

Habersham Central JROTC students lift off from Habersham County Airport in a Black Hawk helicopter on December 7. (Dana D’Alessandro)

Tremendous experience

“They all enjoyed it and said it was a great experience,” D’Alessandro remarked.

Cadet Bobby Ray Wallace enjoyed the experience.

“It was fun and I want to fly choppers,” Wallace said excitedly.

“They all loved it and kept talking about it in class until dismissal for the (Christmas) break,” stated D’Alessandro

“This was a great success,” D’Alessandro talked about the orientation flights and hopes this will be a recurring event.

“We now have a working relationship with the GANG and hope to provide this opportunity again annually to our students.”

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