(Atlanta) – As Winter Weather Preparedness Week ends, Mother Nature is speaking up and bringing potential winter weather to Northeast Georgia this weekend.
The Georgia Department of Transportation has been monitoring the weather all week and says it’s ready.
The Department has more than 385 snow removal units that are ready to be deployed across the state at a moment’s notice. Also, an emergency plan is in place to relocate district resources to the most needed areas during an event.
“GDOT continues to enhance its preparations for extreme winter weather to treat impacted interstates and highways before, during and after a snow or icing event,” says GDOT’s Director of Emergency Operations Bryan Haines. “Our number one goal is to treat the interstates and state routes and keep them safe and passable, especially for emergency vehicles.”
More than 1,800 GDOT employees are on call. DOT says it also has 33 brine tankers, 54,000 tons of salt and 65,460 tons of gravel loaded and ready to use to treat state roads.
The department urges motorists to buckle up, use caution, minimize unnecessary travel, and reduce travel speeds especially in the overnight hours to ensure that Georgia DOT crews have room to treat and clear roadways.
For continuing updates on travel conditions across the state, visit www.511ga.org or call 511.