Freedom Hill, a Demorest-based, Christ-centered recovery program for women, is holding a fundraiser now through Oct. 25. Buy your tickets now for a chance to win a $500 Quality Foods Gift Certificate. Tickets are $10. Proceeds benefit the Freedom Hill Recovery Home.
When you purchase a ticket you automatically will receive a coupon for 15% off of your total purchase at the Freedom Hill thrift store ‘Second Chances.’ The coupon does not expire.
Tickets can be purchased at Freedom Hill and Second Chances located at 210 Loudermilk Lane in Demorest and at Quality Foods in Cornelia. The drawing will be held Oct. 25. The winner will be contacted by phone.
For more information on this fundraiser, Freedom Hill Recovery Home or Second Chances call Freedom Hill at 706-776-6109 or look them up online at www.freedomhillhome.com and on Facebook.