You’ll Know It

Have you ever waited for some neon sign to drop from the sky, flashing instructions? Or maybe you’d like the sky to part and God just say in a James Earl Jones’ voice, “No! Do not take that job in Austin, Texas.”

It seems so much simpler, doesn’t it?

Over the past several years, I’ve learned a lot. It hasn’t been through the easiest of ways. I’ve learned when tragedy hits to stop and praise God because He will be with me through the dark days. I’ve learned when I need to make a decision to stop and praise God because I know He has gone before me and will give me everything I need to make the right decision. I’ve learned to rejoice in the peace of a moment, and when surrounded by people I love. I’ve learned to focus on the people that are in my life, not the people who are not.

Philippians 1:9-10, “ And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, that you may approve the things that are excellent, that you may be sincere and without offense till the day of Christ…”

When we walk with God, He gives us knowledge, wisdom, and discernment to make the right choices which keep us on the path He’s chosen for us to take.

When my children were young, I would pray with them at night before bed. I would ask God to surround them with a bubble of love and strength. To put His armor upon them so that nothing evil could penetrate and harm them. I prayed that He would keep them on the path that He had chosen for them to take and if they strayed to the left or right, He’d knock them back on course. I still pray that prayer every night for each one of them.

God has a plan and purpose for all of us; it is based however on whether or not we want to walk with Him. The advantage of following Christ is, He gives us what we need to make the best chooses daily. Knowledge comes when we seek the truth in His Word. Wisdom comes from the experiences of living out the truth in His Word. Discernment comes from listening to the wisdom of God in His Word.

It all comes from Him – beginning to end.

Today I challenge you to have the kind of relationship with God that keeps Him front-and-center in your life. To focus on Him and not the problems before you. To live in His purpose and not your own. The reality is, if you’re living in His Word and Truth, you won’t need to question your purpose – you’ll know it.

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