Traffic remained stalled on Hwy 365 North just south of the Level Grove exit. The exit and all north bound lanes were blocked by heavy traffic after a feed truck wrecked into the wooded area on the north side of the highway. The truck was from Trantham Services based out of Alexandria, Alabama specializing in agricultural transport services.
At around 10am Tues morning, the truck was traveling southbound on 365 and, with no apparent reason, crossed the median, and traveled across the traffic lanes narrowly missing another tractor trailer. State Troopers report no signs of brakes being applied and no obvious reason for the wreck. The truck hit several trees before coming to a stop. The driver, whose name has not been released, was taken to Northeast Georgia Medical Center in Gainesville.
Several wreckers and a crew from Seymour’s Wrecker and Spill Services out of Commerce helped clear the wreck along with C&C Towing of Gainesville and Heavy Tow of Buford. The heavy rain of the past several days hampered the clearing of the wreck as the ground was very soft. Three wreckers were needed to clear the truck from the area.
Now Hambersham will update the story as more information becomes available.