This is National Work Zone Awareness Week and Georgia’s Department of Transportation urges you to “expect the unexpected” on local roads. There are currently no active G-DOT work zones in Habersham County, but there are a number of ongoing road projects you may run into close to home.
“A work zone can mean life or death for Georgia DOT workers and contractors,” Georgia DOT District Engineer Brent Cook explained to Now Habersham readers in his report last week. “Since 1973, 57 Georgia DOT employees have died in work zones, and numerous other contractors and motorists have lost their lives.”
DOT work zones in our area this week include –
- White County – phase 1 and 2 of the Cleveland Bypass
- Stephens County – widening of SR 17 from Toccoa to Franklin County
- Hall County – bridge replacement for SR 284 at Lake Lanier’s Olympic Venue
Cook says 85% of work zone fatalities nationally are members of the general public. The Federal Highway Safety Administration says more than 28,000 people were injured in work zones in 2013. They recommend using common sense when driving.
- Slow Down: Speeding is the most common factor in a work zone safety accident
- Pace Yourself: Don’t tailgate other motorists or construction vehicles
- Read All Signs: Signs are in place to safely directing motorists through the work zone
- Obey Road Crew Flaggers: These workers are equivalent to traffic signals
- Stay Alert: Minimize distractions and give the road your full attention
- Expect the Unexpected: Lane shifts, reduced speeds and work crews are all possibilities
While there are no DOT work zones in Habersham County at the moment, Cook says this is the season for road work, “This is the beginning of the heavy construction season, so our maintenance and construction crews will be out in full force. It is critical that motorist pay attention while traveling through those work zones.”