Woodmen dedicate flagpole at Cornelia VFW

Members of the Sons of the American Revolution raise the flag during the flagpole dedication Wednesday morning. (Mack Kay/Grant Reeves VFW Post 7720)

The Woodmen of the World dedicated a flagpole at the Grant Reeves VFW Post 7720 in Cornelia Wednesday morning, September 11. The dedication was part of Woodmen’s Patriotic Program it has had in place since 1947.

Woodmen of the World member Kenneth McEntire and Cornelia Mayor John Borrow spoke at the dedication ceremony to about 40 people that attended the event.

Patriotic Program

McEntire told those gathered about the history of Woodmen of the World and the national program and its evolution over the years. The program started as a dedication to distribute flags to non-profit organizations, specifically schools, city halls, and county courthouses to give a few examples. Since 1947, Woodmen has donated more than 3.5 million flags through its Patriotic Program.

When the terrorist attacks occurred on September 11, 2001, Woodmen evolved. It added to the program the dedication of flagpoles as well. The organization performs many of those dedications on 9/11 each year.

Flag is more than fabric

Borrow addressed the audience. “The flag is more than just a piece of fabric. It represents the ideals upon which our country was founded,” he said. He expressed those ideas as the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of press. Those ideas have not only changed our country but in many cases, the world as we know it.

The flag reminded him of the history of our country from the Revolutionary War through World War II and beyond. “I’m reminded of the greatness of our country, of the greatness of these ideals, and the greatness of our people , especially those who served and many who made the ultimate sacrifice with their lives,” Borrow said.

Woodmen of the World member Jack Broome (far left) stands with members of the VFW and Larry Whitfield (far right) in front of the dedicated flagpole. (Jerry Neace/NowHabersham.com)

Woodmen commended

He thanked the VFW and all veterans for the service to the country and for the difference they make in our community.

After the dedication, Grant Reeves Post 7720 Commander Barry Church shared his thoughts about the flagpole and dedication. “They (Woodmen of the World) are to be commended for making this happen. It’s a beautiful flagpole,” he said. He added, “I think it was appropriate that we did the dedication on 9/11.”

Church explained that he reached out to Kenneth McEntire sometime ago. He asked McEntire about possibly receiving a flag and flagpole for the VFW Post in Cornelia. Church says that when he made the request, McEntire responded, “When do you want it?”

A small monument denotes the dedication from Woodmen of the World. (Jerry Neace/NowHabersham.com)

McEntire said that the Clarkesville Chapter of the Woodmen of the World donated the funds for the flagpole, the flag, and a small monument that was dedicated on Wednesday.

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