WARNING: This video may be too graphic for some viewers.
There are those moments in everyone’s life when an event brings attention. My brother is experiencing such now. He and his wife were walking on the Georgia coast earlier this year. They spotted a dead shark washed ashore. When they got a little closer, they noticed movement in the belly. Another spectator performed a c-section on the shark which my nephew, Lindsey, videoed. He posted it on YouTube and has the distinction of “going viral.”
What prompted me to share the link is not so much the excitement of “going viral;” although, I would have to admit, I’m beaming for my nephew. The excitement comes in seeing the wonder of God; the caring hand of the Creator; the adoring love for all His creations. Some may say it coincidence, but I know my brother and his wife. God is first and foremost in their hearts. It is seen in the manner in which they live their lives and raise their children. It is seen in the way he runs his business.
For whatever reason, God put them in just the right place to draw attention to something He needed done. I thought of the story of Jonah and the fish who swallowed him. The intricate details God put into place to have a fish in just the right spot to do what He needed done. In the words of Mordecai to his niece Esther 4:14, “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”As typical of my brother and his sweet wife, they listened.
It is the season of WONDER. In every twinkling light hanging from garland, a Christmas tree, or the edge of a roof, we should be reminded of the miraculous birth of a Savior. In every gift, homemade bread, new pair of sneakers, or shining gold jewelry, we should learn from the sacrifice of Christ’s life for us. In every gesture of hope, encouragement, compassion, and selfless act, we should see the touch of God.
Don’t miss it. Don’t pass by the opportunities around you everyday to witness the true WONDER of Christmas.