The city of Winder celebrated the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. with a ceremony downtown and a march on Monday, Jan. 15. The event marked the 38th annual observance of MLK Day in Winder.
The annual march, hosted by the Barrow County Martin Luther King Committee, was held at White Oak Spring Baptist Church. The ceremony featured speakers and a time of silence.
During the ceremony, Mayor Jimmy Terrell told the congregation that nothing can dim the light that shines from within. He said the analogy of people shining their cell phone flashlights at concerts reflects the importance of letting your light shine and the power that collective action can have.
“I challenge you to step up and do what’s right today and every day regardless of political affiliation or skin color,” said Winder Police Chief Jim Fullington, who gave attendees a challenge before leaving the podium. Fullington quoted the late Dr. King advising that we should judge people not based on the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
Councilwoman Kobi Kilgore reflected on how proud she is to serve the community and said there is still work to do to conquer discrimination.
Monday’s Martin Luther King Day observance marked the 95th birthday of Dr. King, who was born in Atlanta and worked tirelessly for equality and social justice through the civil rights movement in the 1960s.
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