White County school superintendent provides vaping update

vaping man holding a mod. A cloud of vapor. dark blue background.

(Cleveland)- White County School officials say they continue to make progress in the vaping issue at the county schools.  During Thursday night’s meeting of the White County Board of Education, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Laurie Burkett shared an update. She told the board that, at the high school since school began this year until they instituted new protocols for students caught vaping on February 25th, they had 115 events involving students.

During the past month under the new regulations, there were only 12 students involved and only one of those is a second offender. She said at the middle school there were only 6 incidents.

Burkett said each of the school principals are happy with the results, “They feel really good that this is really working, so, they are very diligent about vaping and I think it is making a difference. So they are very happy with what’s happening in their schools, “ said Burkett.