Plans for a men’s recovery home north of Cleveland took a step backward Monday night when the White County Planning Commission denied a request to redistrict the property.
Commissioners unanimously denied a request from Vincenu Visuiti to redistrict approximately two acres at 16 Windy Acres Road from R-3 to R-2. The change from a residential seasonal property to a multi-family district would accommodate Visuiti’s plan to open a 10-person residential recovery program in the five-bedroom, five-bath house.
A number of people spoke for and against the plan during a public hearing on Oct. 30. Those who opposed it raised concerns about the home’s proximity to a school bus stop and several subdivided neighborhoods.
At their Nov. 6 meeting, Planning Commissioner Dona Burk made a motion to deny the redistricting request.
“I make the recommendation to the county commissioners to deny this request for 16 Windy Acres based on I don’t think this is a good location,” she said.
The board unanimously approved her motion.
Keeping his options open

Following the vote, Visuti told Now Habersham he was “disappointed.” He said he will withdraw his application, but he’s leaving his options open.
“They have missed the conditional use permit in the advertisement, which is why I’m withdrawing so I can do it all at one time,” Visuti said.
Currently, the property is zoned R-3 residential seasonal. Short-term rentals are zoned under R-3. By leaving the zoning status as is and only requesting a conditional use permit for the property, should the recovery home not be approved, Visuiti will still have the option of applying for the “short-term rental” program.
“I do not want to lose short-term rental zoning for no reason,” he said.
The White County Board of Commissioners is expected to vote on Visuiti’s redistricting request during a called meeting at 9 a.m. on Nov. 16.