(Cleveland)- An, In Honor and Remembrance, ceremony of 9-11 was held Friday morning at the Cleveland Police Department office.
Faye Franks, President of Woodman Life said, “ I think it’s appropriate to remember what has happened on 9-11, we need to honor those who have gone, we need to honor those who are looking after us now.”
In the ceremony opening prayer Rev. Chris Anderson said this, “ Lord we took a new appreciation for those who protect us, for those who look after us every single day. We’re reminded we can’t call the Navy, Air Force, or Marines, but we can call our sheriff, and we can call our police force, and we can call our fire department and those that are close to us and we are grateful for them.”
Woodman Life provided a new flag pole and American flag for the police department and a special flag raising ceremony was conducted. Eddie Allen performed taps in honor of those who have given their lives, Doug Jackson sang the National Anthem and Henrietta Sutton read a poem, “The Power of One”.
In closing remarks Cleveland Police Chief John Foster told the crowd that the fight against evil like 9-11 continues. “ Our nation has gone under a lot of attack since 9-11 and we’re still fighting today. There is an axis of evil out there that we have to contend with on a daily basis and we are going to continue to make that fight,” said Foster.
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