(Cleveland, GA) – It was a very special Memorial Day observance at Freedom Park in Cleveland Monday as the American Legion Post 16 and Northeast Georgia Veterans Society working in conjunction with the White Board of Commissioners honored White County Citizens who gave their lives for our freedom.
The ceremony, attended by around 300 people, included the dedication of a White County Veterans Memorial that stands alongside the recently relocated service monuments, honoring the different branches of military.
White County Commissioner Terry Goodger opened the observance by recognizing those who organized the effort to have the original service monuments placed in front of the White County Courthouse.
Following the usual presentation of colors, pledge to the American Flag and National Anthem the dedication of the new White County Veterans Memorial was present by Ron Webb, President of Northeast Georgia Veterans Society. The names of the 34 White County war causalities from World War I and II, Korean, Vietnam and Iraq wars were read and as each were recognized Paul Kozoroz rang the honor bell, to announce the depth of sorrow and the extent of loss by the person who gave their life.
The program also include the reading of the names of White County Veterans who have died during the past year and ringing of the bell by Tom Chastain and the firing of a 21 gun salute.
Ending the ceremony was playing of taps by White County Honor Guard member Eddie Allen.