White County Election Board moves forward with new Blue Creek voting location

Zion Interdenominational Church is the proposed new Blue Creek voting precinct. (WRWH.com)

White County Election officials have announced they are moving forward with setting up a new polling location for county voters in the Blue Creek area.

During the 2024 election process, voters in the Blue Creek area cast ballots at Resurrection Episcopal Church on Duncan Bridge Road, but Amie Veater, Supervisor of Elections and Registration, said that location is no longer available.

The White County Board of Elections and Registration has been seeking a new location for voters to use the board and even considered consolidating that precinct with another. The board, during a meeting Tuesday, voted to take the next step in designating Zion Interdenominational Church, located at 3667 Highway 115 East of Cleveland, as the Blue Creek precinct for future elections.

Veater said it was quite a challenge obtaining a new voting location.

“Our Blue Creek precinct, in particular, has very few facility options available. In fact, a Zion Interdemonitainal Church is the last church pretty much that we have access to or any kind of public facility in that area. So we’re very grateful to Zion for allowing us to conduct our elections moving forward in their location,” Veater said.

A hearing to consider approving a final order adopting this change is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, April 8, at 8:30 a.m. at the White County Board of Elections & Registration Office, 1241 Helen Hwy, Suite 210, Cleveland.

Veater says anyone with questions or concerns regarding this polling place change may contact her at the White County Elections Office now through April 8, when the election board will vote on it.

“That’s when the hearing will be held to vote to either adopt or not adopt the polling location, ” said Veater.

If approved, voters assigned to the Blue Creek precinct will no longer vote at the Episcopal Church of the Resurrection on Election Day for county, state, federal, and special elections.