White County commissioners tackle trash issues

CLEVELAND – Handling all the trash created in their county is challenging for the White County Board of Commissioners.

During Monday’s commission work session and called meeting, the board approved awarding a new contract to Waste Management for the hauling services from the county’s convenience center to the transfer station in the southern part of the county.

White County Economic Development Director John Sell told the commissioners that even going with the low bidder Waste Management, the cost of service will increase $21,500 a year, with a single trip going from $95 to $200.

Sell recommended that the county try to work out a two or three-year contract.

The county only received two bids for this service and Waste Management was the lowest.

Commissioner Edwin Nix said, “Who would have ever thought there would be this kind of money in garbage.”

Sell noted that there had not been an increase in this service since 2012.

Also at Monday’s meeting, the commissioners heard about some operational changes at the White County Convenience Center. Sell advised that the Convenience Center will be expanding to 4 days of operation to meet the demand for services. Beginning November 16, the Convenience Center will be open Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9 AM -5 PM Saturday 8 AM -4 PM, and will be closed Sunday, Monday, and Thursday each week.

The additional operating day will require an additional part-time person, adding to the cost of the center.  The cost increase in both of the areas prompted Commission Chairman Travis Turner to comment, “Finding ways to pay for all this [is] a wonderful opportunity to be creative.”

The White County Convenience Center is located at 519 Hulsey Road in Cleveland. Starting November 16, these are its new operating days and hours:




9:00am to 5:00pm


9:00am to 5:00pm




9:00am to 5:00pm


 8:00am to 4:00pm
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