White County Commissioners move forward on tax office improvements

(Cleveland)- The White County Board of Commissioners have agreed to move forward on a project that would renovate and improve the service opportunity for the White County Tax Commissioners office.  The design plan discussed by the commissioners at a  Monday evening meeting calls for some additional storage space at the back of the current building and adding a second drive up customer service window on the north side of the building.

White County Tax Commissioner Cindy Cannon said this is a much-welcomed project,  “given the current space we have and the growth we continue to see, everything we are required to keep there we need additional space. In addition to trying to get a secondary drive-thru to assist our citizens and taxpayers of the county. No one likes to come to pay taxes so the easier we can make it  the better off everyone is,” said Cannon

The commissioners instructed staff to prepare information to seek construction bids on the work.

Cannon said, “this is a project that has been in the works for some time so I’m very glad  to see positive movement and look forward to getting this project underway  and hopefully taken care of soon.”

The commissioners also talked about removing the trees between the tax commissioners’ office and Mountain Valley Bank.

Commissioner Edwin Nix said that could improve the parking area on that side of the building.