The White County Board of Commissioners has scheduled three public hearings on an expected property tax increase. The proposed 3.86% increase comes from higher valuations. The commission does not intend to raise the millage rate.
In a public notice issued Wednesday, commissioners said they want to keep the current rate at 9.505 mills.
“Accepting the rollback rate of 9.152 would result in the county general fund budget being reduced by $508,659,” commissioners said.
The proposed tax increase for a homesteaded property with a fair market value of $239,000 is approximately $33.04. The proposed tax increase for non-homestead property with a fair market value of $178,000 is approximately $25.13, the county said.
Residents are welcome to express their views on the proposal during the public hearings to be held at the White County Administration Building at 1235 Helen Highway in Cleveland.
The first two hearings are scheduled for 8:30 a.m. and 6:30 pm. on Thursday, July 20. The third and final hearing will be held at 4:30 p.m. on Monday, July 31, prior to the commission voting on the proposed tax increase.