The White County Board of Commissioners held a called meeting Friday morning for the purpose to setting the county’s tax millage rate for 2024.
During the meeting, the board approved taking a full rollback related to the millage rate, approving the millage rate at 8.948 mills.
White County Commission Chairman Travis Turner said, “This means that the Commissioners had to take an approximate $305,000 from our existing fund balance to keep from having an increased millage rate.”
Turner said, “Based upon the growth we’ve seen and with the rollback, the county will still be able to fund some much-needed projects that were passed in the FY 2025 budget. “
“I do want to specifically draw attention to the pay study, which, while costly, allows us to better retain a phenomenal group of employees by being more competitive with other municipalities as well as hopefully recruiting a new generation in the years to come, “ commented Turner.
He further stated that while we are all dealing with the struggles related to high inflation from goods and services that we need on a daily basis, the Board of Commissioners’ actions over the last few years have financially allowed us to pass along this millage reduction to our community.
Chairman Turner said, “To our community, please know that we are trying to be mindful of our finances and if necessary will make adjustments during the year depending on how the economy moves.”
In addition to setting the county’s portion of the tax rate the commission board also approved the education portion of the taxes. The White County Board of Education on Thursday night voted to take a rollback on the millage rate approving a rate of 11.884 mills.
White County Tax Commissioner Cindy Cannon will use the approved millage rates to calculate the tax statements for county property owners.