White County 9-1-1 handles 1,733 calls during Tropical Storm Irma

(Cleveland)- White County Public Safety has released a report on the total number of phone calls received by the county’s  9-1-1 dispatch center during last weeks Tropical Storm Irma.

In releasing the information Public Safety Director David Murphy said the total number of calls handled by the  911-Communications Center for the three primary response days of Tropical Storm Irma was 1,733.

Murphy said, most of the calls into the center were between 4 PM Monday, and 1 AM Tuesday.  The calls peak again on Tuesday between 3 AM and 7 PM.

From the total number of calls, 467  were actually dispatched out to public service personnel for service.  (not all calls were captured for dispatch  due to the number of calls relayed to HEMC, Ga Power, Public Works, etc.//some calls were cleared/handled by Public Safety Director)

The majority of the dispatched service calls were between  Monday night and Tuesday morning.