If you’re looking for a place to worship this Holy Week and Easter Sunday, there are plenty of opportunities. This is a list of some of the services scheduled in Habersham and surrounding communities. To add your church’s Easter service to the list, email [email protected].
Habersham County
Old Clarkesville Cemetery; sponsored by Clarkesville First Presbyterian Church, 6:30 am; 181 Jefferson Street, Clarkesville, GA (706-754-2935)
Community Sunrise Service, 7am; Clarkesville gazebo
Hillside Memorial Chapel and Garden, 7 am; 5495 Highway 197 South, Clarkesville, GA 30523 (706-754-6256)
Cornelia United Methodist Church, 7 am; 275 Wyly Street, Cornelia GA 30531 (706-7578-4827)
Travis Chapel United Methodist Church, 7 am; 387 Hood Street, Cleveland, GA (706-865-1813)
Choestoe Baptist Church, 7 am; 41 Choestoe Church Road, Blairsville, GA (706-745-6370)
Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church, 8 am; Woody Gap Recreation Area, Hwy. 60 Dahlonega, GA (706-747-2391)
Maundy Thursday Worship: Clarkesville First United Methodist Church, 7 pm; 1087 Washington Street, Clarkesville GA 30523 (706-754-2677)
Service with communion, 7 pm; Cornelia United Methodist Church, 7 am; 275 Wyly Street, Cornelia GA 30531 (706-7578-4827)
Tapestry of Darkness: A Cantata for Holy Week, Cleveland Presbyterian Church, 7-8:30 pm, 147 North Main Street, Cleveland, GA (706-865-6499)
A service of the Last Supper with Foot Washing and Holy Communion, 7 pm, Travis Chapel United Methodist Church, 387 Hood Street, Cleveland, GA (706-865-1813)
GOOD FRIDAY, April 15:
Cross Walk Event: Clarkesville First United Methodist Church, 10 am; meet in front of Fellowship Hall prepared to walk to the Town Gazebo and Old Clarkesville Cemetary. Transportation will be provided for those who cannot walk the distance on their own. 1087 Washington Street, Clarkesville GA 30523 (706-754-2677);
Service with Communion: Bethlehem Baptist Church, 6 pm; 624 Hwy 97N, Clarkesville GA 30523 (706-754-4870); Easter egg Hunt for the family to follow worship.
Easter: The Live Experience, Free Chapel, 7 pm; 3001 McEver Road, Gainesville, GA
The Seven Last Words of Christ from the Cross, 7 pm; Travis Chapel United Methodist Church, 387 Hood Street, Cleveland, GA (706-865-1813)
Torn, Destiny Church; , 101111 Tessentee Road, Otto, NC (828-524-5361)
Good Friday Service, 7 pm; Cornelia United Methodist Church; 275 Wyly Street, Cornelia GA 30531 (706-7578-4827)
Habersham County
Holy Eucharist: Grace-Calvary Episcopal Church, 8:30 am and 11 am; 206 E. Green Street, Clarkesville GA (706-754-2431)
Easter Worship with Holy Communion: Cornelia United Methodist Church, 7 am; 275 Wyly Street, Cornelia GA 30531 (706-7578-4827)
Easter Worship: Clarkesville First United Methodist Church; 1087 Washington Street, Clarkesville GA 30523 (706-754-2677); various times:
- 8:30am | Traditional in the Sanctuary
- 9:00am | Contemporary in The Connection
- 11:00 am| Traditional in the Sanctuary
Easter Worship: Level Grove Baptist Church, Services at 8:30 am, 9:45 am, and 11 am; 157 Old Level Grove Road, Cornelia GA (706-778-6371)
Easter Worship: Bethlehem Baptist Church, 9 am and 10:45 am; 624 Hwy 197N, Clarkesville GA 30523 (706-754-4870)
Easter Worship: River Point Community Church, 9 am and 11 am; 350 Ansley Road, Demorest GA (706-778-5000)
Easter Worship: Clarkesville Church of God, 10:00 am; 173 Hwy 197, Clarkesville GA (706-754-6967)
Easter Worship: Clarkesville First Presbyterian Church, 11 am; 181 Jefferson Street, Clarkesville GA (706-754-2935)
Easter Worship: The Gate Church, 11 am; 451 Roper Dr., Clarkesville GA (706-839-1092)
Resurrection Sunday: Destiny Church, 10:30 am; 1111 Tessentee Road, Otto, NC (828-524-5361)
[Updated 4/12/22; 10:45 am]