According to Habersham County Emergency Services (HCES), the grass fire in the median on GA 365 was sparked by a loose wheel. The incident occurred around 11:45 a.m. Sunday morning when the Habersham County Fire Department was dispatched to GA 365 southbound in the vicinity of Cody Road.
The incident occurred when a southbound Jeep lost a wheel sparking a fire in the median between Cody Road and Hazel Creek Road.
According to HCES, there were no injuries and the Jeep came to rest under its own power.
According to Habersham County Public Information Officer Rob Moore, “It was a minor incident but did result in some traffic headaches for a few minutes. Most people simply detoured onto Cody Road.”
GA 365 southbound was impacted for about 20 minutes while fire crews extinguished the blaze.