What we offer

Support local journalism. Join Now Habersham as a Community Member.


At Now Habersham, we pride ourselves on providing comprehensive and unique coverage of the issues that matter most to our community. Here’s what makes us special:

  • Honor your loved ones with free obituary postings
  • Stay informed with real-time updates during elections
  • Our in-house forecaster delivers tailored weather reports for our region, including live-streaming updates during severe weather, keeping you safe and informed during tornado and flood warnings.
  • Meet remarkable people doing remarkable things in our community
  • Explore the unique places that make life in this corner of the state special
  • Stay in the kNOW with breaking news and 24/7 local news coverage

By becoming a monthly contributor to Now Habersham, you support local journalism and help us continue delivering high-quality and essential news coverage in Northeast Georgia.

And here’s a little extra something for you: for as little as $7/month, you can enjoy an uninterrupted reading experience without ads. Imagine diving into your favorite and essential stories without any distractions! Plus, your contribution keeps our “presser rolling” and our journalists reporting!