I’ve never been one to care much for labels – although I love nice things.
And if I had to choose between a day of pampering at a spa and a chaotic, running around, mixed-up schedule day with my kids – I’d pick the crazy day – any day.
I’m learning at 50 years of life that to possess a beautiful orchid is far more valuable than a Coach purse and all the pampering in the world could never replace the feeling of hearing about my daughter’s ballet class, or my other daughter’s trip to the barn. And when my son explains how it feels to run 6 miles, or 13 miles for that matter, I treasure every word.
My husband of three years is not only my partner but the person I can’t wait to tell my every detail at the end of the day. And while we don’t have time (or money) for exotic get-a-ways, I love that he takes me on “kite flying” dates and that my kitchen window is never void of a rose.
This is what I know for sure: nothing can replace the splendor of people; the voices I hear in the morning; the smiles that greet me throughout the day; the kindness of strangers passing by in my life.
So many of us spend the majority of our lives worrying about things that never come to fruition. Angry at people for reasons we barely recall. The very thing that rattles our cages today, we probably will find silly a year from now. And what we don’t have is not as important as what we do.
For me, the days the sun radiates and the sky is blue and free of clouds is just as significant as the days rain pours down my windshields and muddies my feet because in the end both bring an abundance of flowers – in due time.
So breathe… Enjoy… Listen… Learn… Create… Remember.