Baldwin City Mayor, Jerry Neace, welcomed Chief Joe Roy during Monday’s City Council meeting. Noting that the Chief was still sporting a “chicken wing,” refering to the shoulder brace on Roy’s left arm, Neece told Roy he was glad to see him giving his regular report to the Council.
Roy was injured last July during a “Fill the Boot” fundraiser for the Georgia Firefighters’ Burn Foundation. While at the intersection of Duncan Bridge Rd. and Mud Creek Rd., Roy was stuck by a 2012 Toyoto Tundra. Airlifted to Grady Hospital in Atlanta, Roy underwent many surgeries and treatment for his injuries. For more details about the accident, click here.
Roy returned to work full-time last week after working part-time for a couple of weeks before to ease his transition back to a full schedule. While only able to do light duty, Roy is happy to be back at the fire station. Roy reports that his concussion has resolved as well as his ribs but the “chicken wing” on his left arm is due to continuing injuries to the whole shoulder. Doctors are reluctant to operate and are hoping that the bones will knit back together on their own. Once the bones have healed, Roy will be able to initiate physical therapy on the left shoulder as well as the right arm. The scars on the right arm have healed well, but Doctors are advising Roy wait to start physical therapy until the left arm is ready as well.
During the Council meeting, Roy’s voice showed deep emotion as he expressed his thanks to the City Council, City employees and the community for their “wonderful support.” “The prayers have made this tragedy real easy for me and family.”