Dear Editor,
Following one of the highest voter turnouts in American history, our nation must continue to prioritize election security — not just during election years but every year. Proper federal funding is critical to ensure that states have the resources they need to conduct secure and safe elections in the future.
Unfortunately, funding for election security has declined significantly in recent years. During President Trump’s first administration, Congress allocated $425 million for election security, but this has since dropped to just $55 million in the last fiscal year. The Senate Appropriations Committee proposed an increase to $75 million for election security grants in fiscal year 2025. This funding is essential to empower state and local election officials to protect against threats to the integrity of our elections.
With cyber-attacks on the rise, this is no time to disregard the security of our voting system. In late December, the U.S. announced sanctions on entities in Iran and Russia over attempted interference in our elections. This is not the first time hostile nations have attempted to sow discord in our voting system. With an increased investment in election infrastructure, officials can continue to bolster defense mechanisms to protect against potential interference.
As a battleground state, Georgia is pivotal in shaping our nation’s future, and thankfully, we are already recognized as a national leader on election integrity. Our lawmakers have a responsibility to ensure that every voter can trust the integrity of the election process. Supporting the work of democracy means providing sufficient resources to pay for that work. Preserving the proposed $75 million in election security funding is fundamental to protecting our democracy at the state and local levels.
I urge Georgia’s Congressional delegation to prioritize the defense of our democratic system by securing this vital funding. I also call on Georgia’s state legislators to do the same and challenge Georgia voters to contact their Congressmen and ask that they support this federal funding need.
Natalie Crawford
Flowery Branch
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