We Are Not Consumed

As a kid my summers were usually spent at my Grandparents. They lived in an older house full of quirks around every corner. One of my favorites was the rabbit cages. For most, they were simple containers for housing animals; but to me they became a magical jungle.

Why you may ask? I’ll tell you, all because of a small little southern vine known as Kudzu! (I can hear the groans even now). If you have ever tried to combat the climbing, web weaving effects of this plant you understand why. One strand of this plant can consume anything it touches. The small cages, at one free and clear, would soon become adorned with blankets and blankets of this ever consuming plant. Much like stress, sin, and fear can do in our own lives today.

Without notice, that one small fear becomes a crippling anxiety. That unnoticed temptation, burns through like a wild fire licking all that it touches. That stress that once annoyed you now covers you like a heavy depression filled blanket. But listen, YOU WILL NOT BE CONSUMED!

Lamentations 3:22-23 says this…

“Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

Because God sent His Son to hang on a cross, pulled by the weight of this world…we are not consumed. Because He loves you so much, you are not consumed. His compassion has never failed you; it has never run out and never will. The sin that attacks you, the fear that plagues you, the anxiety that cripples you…IT WILL NOT CONSUME YOU! You will climb this mountain and stand on the other side. You will wade through this jungle and breathe, free. His mercy for you has always been there and will always be there. He stands reaching out to you every step of the way. His loving mercy is there with each renewing day. He is faithful! You will not be consumed!

Stand up brothers and sisters. Have hope this day. I am not, we are not, you are not consumed!


Today’s devotion is written by Heth Cottrell of Homer, GA. author, painter, and lover of Jesus. The beautiful feature image is one of Cottrell’s paintings depicting the Battle at the Cross.