Shown, from left, are Dottie Wonders and Cissy Nichols with the Clarkesville Garden Club at an April 13 work day at the Old Clarkesville Cemetery. (photo/Brooks Garcia)
The first of two scheduled work days at the Old Clarkesville Cemetery found area gardeners making haste with a lengthy task list.
On April 13, more than 10 volunteers from the Clarkesville Garden Club and the Headwaters Master Gardeners joined board members from the Historic Clarkesville Cemetery Preservation, Inc. to spread mulch, pick up debris and complete general landscaping duties.
A second work day is scheduled for May 4, in advance of a Habersham Chamber Ribbon Cutting set for May 10 and the Gloaming Supper fundraising event set for May 18.
Visit oldclarkesvillecemetery.com for more information.