Eight local volunteers spent ten weeks training to help their neighbors in need. Now they have the certificates to prove it.
Wednesday evening, Damen Blackgrave, Brandy Cooper, Linda Garrett, Shane Harper, Diane May, Joseph McKinniss, Gabriella Gammons, and Christopher Moore graduated from Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) basic training.
During their ten-week course, they learned appropriate responses to manmade and natural disasters. Their training combined hands-on practice with realistic exercises.
“We know you all have trained hard over the past ten weeks, so I congratulate you on this accomplishment,” CERT Coordinator Leah Torregiano told the graduates during a ceremony Wednesday at the White County Senior Center.
White County Public Safety Director David Murphy encouraged the graduates to put their training to good use.
“CERT is a huge asset in our response to natural and man-made disasters. I encourage you all to take this training and apply it to help make White County a better, safer community for our families and neighbors,” said Murphy.
In recognition of their achievement, Murphy and Torregiano presented each of the graduates with certificates.
Anyone interested in joining the CERT Program may contact Torregiano at [email protected]