
His name is Valentine and other than my Bible, he is my prized possession. A pink stuffed dog with hot pink ears, heart, and tongue given to me by my youngest daughter. He had been her favorite – missing an eye from constant use. He was the one she slept with every night; the one who went on car rides with us; the one she called out for when she needed comfort; the one who played with her in the yard.

And then she gave him to me. Wrapped like only an 8 year-old can wrap in a Nike shoe box with a bow.

I thought I should give him back to her. He meant so much to her. How could she give him up?

I saw her eyes. Tear rimmed but proud. To give her most favorite treasure to me – her mom.

I didn’t know what to say. Her heart spoke volumes to me, and I vowed to never forget her selfless gift.

Valentine sleeps on my bed and has since the day she gave him to me. When I make-up my bed every morning, I’m careful to position him just right so he is comfortable.

My daughter is now 16, tall and confident; consumed with life. I fight hard to see her 8 year-old face and remember how it once was. She came in my room the other day, leaning back on my bed. She lifted Valentine and placed him in her lap. I smiled at her.

“You know he is my most prized gift.”

She smiled back at me. “I know, Mom.”

“Why did you give him to me?” I asked.

She paused for a moment thoughtfully then added, “Because you needed him more than I did.”

And there you go. Love. Tied neatly in a bow and delivered.

Because our desires are secondary when we know the person we love needs it more.

Happy Valentine’s Day!