The Urgency of Christmas

Today’s devotion is written by Richard D. Stafford, Ph.D.


Isn’t there a great sense of urgency surrounding Christmas?  Planning for family gatherings, decorating, attending religious services, finding gifts that reflect your love for friends, family, even strangers at Christmas time?

When Paul was in prison, and cool fall temperatures chilled his jail cell, he urgently wrote his beloved Timothy. He told Timothy, among other things, to come visit him soon; to bring his cloak, parchment and books.  He urged Timothy to travel soon, “Come before winter!” Paul knew the coming winter would make it impossible to sail and any delay would surely mean it would be spring before Timothy could meet him. A cold jail cell was no place to be without your winter cloak.  Paul also needed parchment to write and books to read and study about his faith and sharing his faith with followers.

Unfortunately, Timothy delayed. He did not set sail immediately. He procrastinated until winter had already arrived and it was too late to see his comrade and good friend. He wasn’t going to deliver Paul’s cloak, nor his parchment and books. He had missed the urgency in Paul’s wish.

By the time winter had come and gone, and Timothy did travel to bring Paul his necessities, he had waited too late. Just before he arrived, Paul was beheaded. His mentor was gone.

What do we need to do this Christmas season? What words need to be said, urgent packages delivered, people to see? It is my hope you discover what is urgent this season of celebration. Come before winter!



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