Each fall, the community, local businesses, and organizations join together to raise funds for Habersham County United Way that will help our community. This annual campaign provides the support United Way and our agencies need to ensure families have opportunities and everyone can meet basic living needs. Our focus is on education, income and health-the building blocks for a good quality of life for all and a stronger community.
You have the power to create great change. UNITED we are stronger than we can ever be alone.
Our agencies and partners are still facing challenging times. Resources are stretched as needs have increased. But because of United Way, agencies can spend less of their own money and energy on fundraising efforts. 99% of the money donated to United Way remains in our area helping families, friends, neighbors, schoolmates, and co-workers.
We need your help to improve people’s lives.
Please give through payroll deduction or a direct donation. You can be billed later or make recurring payments through Automatic Bank Withdrawal (ACH) or recurring billing. If your workplace doesn’t run a United Way campaign, talk with your manager about starting one. If you’d like ideas for making it successful, contact us at 706-778-0620.
Whatever method you choose, or whatever amount you choose, your donation to Habersham County United Way is a gift to the community that will make a difference this year, next year, and well beyond. At United Way, we meet today’s critical needs…and do all we can to ensure that people don’t face those needs in the future…that they have the education and earnings to be financially stable.
We all benefit when our community is stronger. Please give to this year’s campaign.
By: Billy Boyd | Habersham County United Way Executive Director