Jere Morehead, President of the University of Georgia, announced that the University will be spending an additional $1.7 million for security upgrades.
UGA announced Wednesday that it will be putting 50 additional call stations across campus parking lots for students to utilize. They also will be installing security fencing on campus, concentrating on the Health Sciences Campus.
“Last year alone, the University dedicated $7.3 million to install perimeter fencing, upgrade lighting, expand the existing security camera network, implement emergency call stations and place automated license plate readers in strategic locations,” according to Morehead.
Other security initiatives that were added over the past years were a 21% increase in police personnel, 12 new Campus Safety Ambassadors, and more. Since the summer of 2024 the university has seen a 77% increase in rides through the UGA Ride Smart program for students.
“Students feel safer because they are more aware of the safety programs that are in place across campus,” said Rock Rogers, president of the Student Government Association and a fourth-year student from Dublin.
This article comes to Now Habersham in partnership with WUGA News