The University of Georgia has initiated new guidelines for cyclists and micromobility vehicle users. Starting in the Fall 2025 Semester, battery-powered micromobility vehicles such as e-scooters, e-bikes and “one wheels” will not be allowed inside any University buildings, including housing facilities. The policy is designed to prevent battery fires, an identified concern in the United States.
The University will also assign designated “dismount areas” for wheeled vehicles on sidewalks. These areas will be monitored and penalties will be enforced for utilizing a wheeled vehicle on a sidewalk surface.
The University of Georgia Police Department will engage in more targeted enforcement of traffic laws when it comes to micromobilty vehicles also.
To aid in this new safety initiative, UGA will use the $630,000 grant that it was awarded from the U.S. Department of Transportation, to collect data on traffic safety with a focus on “vulnerable road users’ such as pedestrians, cyclists and micromobility vehicle users. The College of Public Health and the College of Engineering will work together to collect this data and from it the University will create a ten year traffic safety plan.
These new policies come almost a year after two separate accidents involving scooters colliding with larger vehicles on UGA’s campus.