Paramedics airlifted two burn victims to Grady Hospital in Atlanta on Sunday following a work accident in Demorest. Immediately following the accident, officials said it happened at the rock quarry in Demorest. Now Habersham has since confirmed the accident occurred at the Demorest Asphalt Plant on Double Springs Road, not the quarry.
“The only information we received regarding the incident was [that] some type pipe or device [was] being cleaned when the accident occurred,” says Habersham County Emergency Services Director Chad Black.
A caller phoned in the accident to Habersham 911. Demorest Fire and county emergency crews responded to the scene around 1:55 p.m. First responders requested AifLife “due to the severity of the burns,” says Black.
Both patients were taken to the Grady Burn Center in Atlanta. Their names have not been released, however Black says both survived and are now on “a long road to recovery.”
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration has been notified and will be investigating the incident.
This article was updated at 3 p.m. Sept. 27